Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas8 - Rumus Soal

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas8 - Selamat pagi, siang, sore, atau pun malam untuk Anda para pembaca situs Chip Online. Bagaimana hari kalian? Semoga selalu di liputi kebahagiaan. Nah di hari yang menyenangkan ini, kami akan mengulas tentang "Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas8" yang mungkin saja sedang Anda cari beberapa waktu lalu.

Keberadaan internet membuat siapa saja bisa mengakses berbagai informasi, maka tidak heran belakangan ini banyak sekali betebaran situs-situs yang membahas mengenai Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas8. Hal ini sangat logis mengingat di era pandemi ini, masyarakat kita lebih sering melakukan proses belajar mengajar secara daring. Baiklah sudah cukup basa-basinya, yuk langsung masuk ke pembahasan saja.

Penjelasan Lengkap Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas8

Sahabat Kali ini kami akan memberikan materi Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas8 tingkat SMP/Mts kurikulum 2020-2021, soal PG/Essay lengkap dengan jawabannya, Semerter 1 sampai dengan 2.

Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas8 – adalah mata pelajaran yang sangat banyak diminati setiap siswa da siswi, karena pelajaran ini dapat menunjang setiap siswa dapat melanjutkan pendidikan ke tingkat nasional.

Sahabat disini kami akan memberikan contoh soal sekolah kelas8, dengan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris ( SMP / Mts ).

Baiklah Guys langsung saja simak ulasannya dibawah ini yaaa…?

Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas8 Semester 1 & 2

Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas8

A. Latihan Soal PG:

1. What tree does he have in the yard?
A. orange
b. mango
c. Apple
d. lime
Answer: c

2. What about Pak Warsidi’s garden?
A. Need more sun
b. This is good
c. It is not in good condition
d. That’s very big
Answer: c

3. Mr. Warsidi … often helped him maintain the park.
A. children
b. the neighbor
c. old man
d. friend
Answer: b

4. This text tells us about …
A. Basketball tournament
b. Sports Day
c. An exciting game
d. independence
Answer: b

5. How many sports are specified in the text?
A. Three
b. four
c. five
d. six
Answer: d

6. This announcement is for.
A. the student
b. Teacher
c. client
d. Azam
Answer: a

7. Lina: I want you to come to my birthday party tonight.
Aliana: “… I have a lot of homework.”
A. Very good
b. I agree with you
c. Sorry, I can not.
d. That is a good idea
Answer: c

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal Pkn Kelas5

Ma’am, I borrowed a black suede clutch and two side pockets. I need it for Bima’s birthday party tonight.

Thank you very much
Who wrote the short message?
A. Princess
b. mother
c. like milk
d. Princess’s friend
Answer: b

9. The bag has … a bag.
A. 1
b. 2nd
c. The 3rd
d. 4
Answer: c

10. Who has a birthday party?
A. mother
b. like milk
c. Princess
d. Friend Bima
Answer: a

11. Ask one of his friends to help him carry his books …
The best expression is.
A. Do you want to help me carry these books?
b. I can help you
c. I will help you
d. i hope i can
Answer: b

To: Beni
You will be invited
Please come to my 14th birthday party
What is done on:
November 8, 2013
3-5 things
Mentari House
J L. SermaMuchtar No. 97
Please call (0261) 2200102

Who is invited to the party?
A. Beni
b. Dani
c. Santi
d. Bani
Answer: a

13. How old is Lina?
A. Thirteen
b. fourteen
c. fifteen
d. Sixteen
Answer: d

14. When will end party is be seen.
A. Wednesday May 5 2013
b. Friday 7 2013
c. Thursday 6 2013
d. Saturday 8 2013
Answer: d

My is a very gentle loving person , and never raised voice to care of me when mom went to My mother and father money our though I. time with Grandma really loved.

Grandma to tell stories before going to usually talks about my grandfather too My dear grandmother always good things about He once, told me that my was the person he had ever met.

The writer tells about …
A. Grandfather and grandmother
b. His grandmother
c. His grandchildren
d. His grandfather
Answer: d

16. My grandmother is a very gentle, affectionate, and kind person.
The underlined word has the same meaning as …
A. Very good
b. ugly
c. Bad
d. wise
Answer: c

17. How is Grandma’s body?
A. It’s soft
b. He is a good person
c. He is tall and thin
d. He is a loving person.
Answer: a

18. When will you write a fairy tale?
A. Before the writer sleeps
b. Before he died
c. When the writer’s parents go to work
d. If he makes money
Answer: b

19. Beggar: “I’m very thirsty. Do you have something?
for drink “
Diana: “…”
Beggar: Yes please. Thank you very much “
A. This is a cake for you.
b. Yes, do you want a glass of lemon tea?
c. This is bread for you.
d. I don’t eat sandwiches.
Answer: c

Mr. Jaka has a garden in his garden and likes to work there. He said it was fun. Today he plants flowers in the garden. There is also an old mango tree in the yard. He always cut leaves and twigs to care for him. He said that flowers need more sun. Pak Jaka often puts his children in the management of a shared park. In this way you understand how to protect your environment. Many people told Pak Jaka how beautiful the park was.

What is Pak Jaka my hobby
A. Gardening
b. For cycling
c. to catch fish
d. Read

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal Bahasa Indonesia Kelas1

B. Latihan Soal Essay:

  1. Crocodile 1 … hungry. Go
  2. He … gold in the box
  3. “My dress is beautiful,” he said
  4. My father … this morning in his office.
  5. You … went to my party last Sunday
  6. My younger brother feels happy when he is … at the beach
  7. Queen … come to the forest
  8. … did you see yesterday’s performance? swimming
  9. Sarah … doing her homework because she is lazy
  10. I really did a concert … last night

Nah Sahabat demikianlah ya yang dapat kami ulas pembahasan tentang Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas8.

Semoga pemahaman yang sangat sederhana ini dapat menambah pengetahuan kita semua, sekian dan terima kasih.

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